Daum Glass

Daum (also known as Daum Nancy) is a French company that has been making cameo art glass since the late 1800s. The detail and artwork of these items are incredible. The Daum company usually produced items such as vases, lamps figures, animals and bowls. The signature on pieces may be Daum, Daum Nancy and Daum France.

Antique Daum Glass is hard to find. For that reason, the prices for Daum can be very high. Vases and lamps may sell for thousands. Sometimes even small Daum vases made in the early part of the 20th century had extra fine detail and sell for just as much as the larger items. The overall value of Daum pieces depends on how detailed the work was.

Daum Lamp

Daum Lamp

Daum Nancy France Mark

Daum Nancy France Mark

Daum Vase

Daum Vase

Daum Nancy Mark

Daum Nancy Mark